RSKIP-436: Network Upgrade (patch) Arrowhead 6.3.1

Hello to the Rootstock community! :wave:

A patch network upgrade proposal has been recently published and is open for discussion. This proposal aims to fix the PowPeg service outage described in " Incident report: Rootstock peg-in / peg-out service outage on June 24th".

Arrowhead 6.3.1 proposal includes only one RSKIP, which describes a short to mid-term fix to the issue and aims to resume normal PowPeg operations as quickly as possible. A long-term solution is currently being discussed.

  1. RSKIP-434 : : Bridge Bitcoin block chainwork up to 12 Bytes

We invite the community to engage in open discussions, share insights, and propose alternative improvements if necessary. Due to the nature of this network upgrade and the need to resume PowPeg operations soon, this RSKIP will be open for comments until July 9th.

Thank you!

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