Question about RSKIP-201

I saw a tweet from @SergioDemianLerner recently about the soon-to-come emergency RSK multisig:

In the tweet Sergio says the keys will be held by “5 distinct, renown and unrelated people of the Bitcoin community”.

But in RSKIP-201 it says the multisig is a 2-of-3:

The emergency multi-signature is a 2-out-of-3 multisig.

Is RSKIP-201 out of date?

The original goal was to have a 2-out-of-3 scheme, it later evolved into a 3-out-of-4 scheme to be activated with the upcoming Iris hard fork. So the RSKIP needs to be updated, thanks for noting that. cc @SergioDemianLerner


Thanks for the info, Adrian!

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