RSK Hop 4.1.0 Is Here

Hello everyone, RSK is glad to announce that RSK Hop v4.1.0 is now publicly available in RSKj GitHub repository .

New changes include:

:white_check_mark: JSON-RPC tracing method
:white_check_mark: Support for the latest versions of Hardhat development environment
:white_check_mark: Introduction of a peer reputation system
:white_check_mark: RocksDb storage library support

Learn about the following by reading this blog post :

  • How do I upgrade to version 4.1.0
  • What changes are included in Hop v4.1.0
  • How do you report problems with this version
  • How do you report security vulnerabilities

While this is a non-mandatory upgrade, we encourage users to upgrade their nodes to the new version.

Happy network upgrade!

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